Circle of Advice - Naseeha Circle

Jul 20, 2022  19:00 - 21:00

(GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time

Location:  Hall of Peace
Event URL:
Cost:  Free

The Naseeha Circle, a Circle of Advice, is a safe space where we can gather as a community to discuss our life affairs, current struggles, and our ups and downs and receive informal group counselling. Led by trained counsellors Taaha Muhammad and Humeyra Nur Celebi.

We will not only start the conversation around Mental Health in the Muslim community, but also have compassionate discussions as a circle, and leave the event with a clearer picture of the mental health challenges we are going through, all shared anonymously.

We have limited seats to keep the circle cohesive. Register now to reserve your seat on

You can also share any topics you had in mind on the form above. The event is free and open to anyone aged 16 and above. Food and refreshments will also be served.

Organized in collaboration with @1866naseeha @theottawamosque @risingyouthtig

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