Transgender Inclusion 101 - The basic

Jun 28, 2022  13:00 - 14:30

(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time

Event URL:

In this free session, delivered by Prism Services, we will focus on developing skills to welcome and support trans and other gender diverse individuals in a variety of healthcare and social/community support settings. Our goal is to increase safety and access to services, in order to promote health and wellness.

Please note- all Health Authority staff are required to register through the Learning Hub at: course will cover:-the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation-language & key concepts relating to trans people-what transition may involve & issues unique to trans individuals-intersectionality, colonization and marginalized identities-societal discrimination and family rejection-review of current health literature-allyship for non-LGBT2QI+ folks-creating more inclusive environments-gender affirming policy and practice recommendations-available resources.

Target Audience: 

This course is targeted to healthcare and social service providers; we welcome health authority staff and physicians, as well as providers from community agencies. In addition, we strongly encourage leadership and administrative/support staff to attend. Students and volunteers working in healthcare and social/community support settings are also welcome.


If you require ASL, or other accommodations, please email

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