Dynamic Business Case Management 2 Days Training in Vancouver
Oct 25, 2021
(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time
Location: Regus - Vancouver - HSBC
Event URL: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/dynamic-business-case-management-2-days-training-in-vancouver-tickets-138133909241?aff=erellivmlt&keep_tld=1
Cost: Free
Our classroom training provides you the opportunity to interact with instructors and benefit from face-to-face instruction.
About this event
Course Description:
We are living in a fast, changing world. Managing projects by the book is not enough anymore. Especially when the external effects on projects, from the business, the environment, media, public opinion and even natural disasters, can be enormous. This workshop helps you gain the additional knowledge and tools to manage projects in the future with an increased chance of success. The workshop covers information on the underlying theory, principles, techniques, methods, etc.
Course Outline:
- Module 1: Workshop Introduction
- Module 2: Overview
- Module 3: Business Case
- Module 4: Managing the Business Case
- Module 5: Tooling
- Module 6: Examples & Case
- Exercise
Target Audience:
Executives, decision makers, managers, project managers, program managers who want to improve their effectiveness.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this workshop, you will be aware of the necessity of business case management, be able to apply the tools and techniques and be prepared for a future with more successful projects.
Course Agenda:
Day 1
- Workshop Introduction
- Overview
- Business Case
Day 2
- Managing the Business Case
- Tooling
- Examples & Case, Exercise