Welcome to the Calgary Youth Hackathon 2021!
What is a hackathon?
In short, a hackathon is an invention marathon where people from varying backgrounds in sIn short, a hackathon is an invention marathon where people from varying backgrounds in software development come together to build functioning software of hardware by the end of the event. Hackathons usually tend to focus on one topic, and don’t have any software restrictions. At the end, participants present their results, and a panel of judges chooses the results.
What is the Calgary Youth Hackathon?
The Calgary Youth Hackathon focuses on introducing coding basics and essentials to youth interested in computers. In contrast to a usual hackathon, the CYH will be a design and creation competition paired with an intuitive and easy going course on coding essentials in Python and Flutter. The course aims to let participants have a hands-on approach to programming and app design. The CYH will take place virtually this November for two weeks.
Why should you participate?
By participating, you will learn:
the basics of Python and Flutter
the fundamentals of app design
multiple Python libraries
In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet:
new friends
judges in relevant fields
teachers in relevant fields
Lastly, you will have the chance to win prizes!
1st Place: Amazon Echo Dot 3rd Gen
2nd Place: ATH-AVC 2000 Headphones
3nd Place: Tile Bluetooth Sticker Tracker
Top 24 teams will get a swag package!
Custom Tote Bag and T Shirts
Custom Sticker Pack
The Calgary Youth Hackathon will be held virtually this November 5, 2021. You can register here!